A roadmap for a climate adaptive urban environment

A roadmap for a climate adaptive urban environment





the essence

From dreaming to doing

It is our ambition to transform every street in the urban areas of the Netherlands. From street to s.m.a.r.t. street (StraaD): Sustainable, Multidisplinary, Attrictive, Resilient, Together. To redesign streets adaptively, attractively and sustainably. To work together with its residents, and with an eye for its ‘sense of place’. To accelerate the transition from street to straaD, or in a more general sense speed up the transition to climate-conscious action. Several steps are crucial: taking initiative, freeing up funds, working together, creating a new ‘normal’ and simply doing it.

De StraaD doorsnede

Take initiative

Residents, entrepreneurs or local authorities: anybody can launch an initiative to realise adaptive solutions. Local authorities should be aware of this. Know who is taking the lead, and be aware of your own role, which is continually shifting.

Profiel StraaD


Connecting with initiatives early on, and broadening and deepening them, achieves more for the allocated budget. In addition, it helps to know where the funds are, both publicly and privately. Water boards, insurers, network operators, owners and residents; all have a stake in the street, and therefore resources (whether it is time of money) to invest.en.

More information (Dutch) can be found on  www.destraad.nl. Here you can also download the papers as PDF file.

Direcly go to StraaDkrant 1, StraaDkrant 2, StraaDkrant 3 and Straadkrant 4.

BoschSlabbers received the ‘Klimaatkrachtig doorgeeftrofee’ for this project. Read more about this award here.

Concept klimaatadaptatie
Doorsnede StraaD

project data

Title: StraaD; the street for a better living environment

Location: Rotterdam (proefstraat)

Client: Municipality of Rotterdam, Municipality of The Hague, Hoogheemraadschap Delfland, Hoogheemraadschap Schieland & de Krimpenerwaard

Cooperation: Buro Bergh, REBEL, Stowa, Deltares, Stichting Rioned, Rondom GWW, VPdelta, Provincie Zuid-Holland

Duration: Research 2016-2018, proefstraat 2019

Type: Design research, test case, publication

Prize/publication: StraaD paper 1 to 4, Klimaatkrachtig doorgeeftrofee (award)

Image credits: BoschSlabbers

Project code: ZS 98-07